Dil Sambhal Jaa Zara: Anant proposes Ahana In DSJZ

Dil Sambhal Jaa Zara: Anant proposes Ahana In DSJZ

The forthcoming chapter of Dil Sambhal Jaa Zara will now bring in Anant and Ahana’s beginning og love life.
So far we see that Anant and Ahana merge perfect bond of friendship.
But now it seems that Anant and Ahana will merge their friendship into love bond.
Anant is so desperate to confess his love for Ahana.
at the same time as Ahana assumes Anant as her perfect partner in friendship, Anant desires Ahana to become his life partner.
Anant will now propose Ahana for marriage, but will Ahana accept Anant’s LOVE?
It would be very interesting to watch how Anant and Ahana will struggle their love ending age barrier.

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