WTF That's Why Karthik will Try To kill naksh In Star Plus Show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai

The coming up episode of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai will drag wedding to a sorrow full event.Naksh is already let down with his wedding where else Naitik’s absence has fueled the fire.
on the other hand, this goes more worst when Yash reveals Naira that Naksh is marrying Keerti without his will.
Naira and Yash’s conversions mistakenly gets revealed to Kartik and his anger bursts out of control.
Moving in front Kartik will also see Naksh and Yash’s recording in his mobile.
Kartik will thus lose his temper and will bursts on Naksh for ruining his sister Keerti’s life.
Naksh and Keerti’s wedding is not going to run smoothly and it would be worth the watch how this wedding will turn into sorrow when Naksh or Kartik will break this wedding.
Lets’ see if Naira will manage the situation saving this wedding.
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