High voltage drama is going to unfold in Yeh Hai Mohabbtein Raman and Ishita’s life after Adi (Abhishek Verma) got arrested for wedding with Aaliya with out divorcing Roshni.
Both Ashok & Baweja play a completely grimy sport to ruin Bhalla circle of relatives in which Ashok asks Gagan to keep Roshni in Khandpur.
Baweja says to Ashok that he'll not permit Raman & Ishita in court and Adi will ought to be in jail forever.
at the same time as , ladies humiliate Ruhi and tries to blacken her face but Ishita angrily stop lady harming Ruhi.
Ishita_Raman get did not bail out Adi
Ishita confronts those women and warns them now not try and touch Ruhi in any other case she will be able to now not go away every person.
Raman & Ishita get didn't bail out Adi which makes Adi shattered at the same time as Ishita attempts to locate manner free Adi.
What will Ishita do to save Adi?